Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Are there different licenses on CuteReport library and designer in the opensource version? Why?

A: Yes, CuteReport Designer is distributed under GPLv3 and CuteReport library under lGPLv3. It is made to help beginner developers to use CuteReport library in theirs proprietary application while they are starting.

Q: Can I use CuteReport opensource library in my proprietary program?

A: Yes, you can as long as it is compiled as a shared library and dynamically linked to your application. You also have to explicitly inform your customers about using GPL program along with your proprietary program and provide them with full GPL license text and CuteReport Designer sources.

Q: Can I use CuteReport Designer in my proprietary application?

A: It depends of how you use it. If short, you are not allowed to dynamically or statically link Designer with your application because of all derivatives of GPL code have to be distributed under GPL. This is not what you might want to. But you can still invoke it as separated process using QProcess. You also have to explicitly inform your customers about using GPL program along with your proprietary program and provide them with full GPL license text and CuteReport Designer sources.

Q: Why does it have such name "Cute" Report ?

A: It is based on Qt library that has official pronounce as cute (/ˈkjuːt/). And yeah, it is cute. huh? :)

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